Los Angeles — CA Hits Back At Trump Over Sanctuary Cities

La La Land
6 min readMay 14, 2019

President Trump has stated that he likes the idea of transferring immigrants who crossed the border illegally to various so-called sanctuary cities like San Francisco. Although this concept has been rejected by lawyers of the administration as illegal, the president continues to push forward with his idea as a fix for the policies he has proposed that have failed.

California Democrats are pushing back on the idea yet another attempt by the President to create policy based on a crisis that he himself has contrived. Even Trump’s own aides have advised him that a policy of releasing immigrants would most likely be found to be illegal and unfeasible. Immigration officials and legal experts agree.

Several California Mayors have spoken up. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti stated in a tweet that immigrants are “people, not pawns,” while San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo called for sensible solutions. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf has basically requested that Trump stop fanning the “hate and division” between the two sides.

Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 54, a law that limited cooperation between local law enforcement in California and federal immigration agents. Trump’s administration sued the state of California to nullify this law and two others. All three laws protect those immigrants who crossed into the country illegally.

Trump has attempted to cut off federal funding to California and other cities and states who have resisted cooperating with immigration authorities. Seven different federal courts have ruled that this action is illegal. The US Supreme Court has ruled that the federal government is not able to compel states and cities to assist in the implementation of federal immigration policies. This makes so-called sanctuary cities legal.

These policies are being created around a crisis that many believe has been falsely fabricated by the president himself, even though last month 92,607 were apprehended illegally crossing the border. This was the highest total in a single month in more than a decade.

While it is true that the President campaigned on the topic of immigration and the building of his wall, it is not true that he is the only person who cares about the issue. Democrats and Republicans alike care about immigration policy, they just fail to agree on the best policy for the country in these circumstances. It is obvious that current practice is only festering the already strong disagreement between the two sides.

Immigration experts have suggested that the idea of transporting immigrants to sanctuary cities is an idea would only lure more illegal immigrants into the country. California Governor Gavin Newsom has labeled the plan as being nonsensical as he is already dumping those migrants who legally seek asylum into California. Current practice is to process those seeking asylum at the border and then release them into California without giving them the opportunity to reach out to their sponsors.

This thought process coming out of Washington is fundamentally flawed as it will ultimately serve to bring in larger numbers of immigrants who would treat the sanctuary cities as a stepping-off point into the rest of the country.

Trump believes that he is the only person running immigration policy. While Democrats and Republicans don’t see eye to eye on the subject, both sides do admit that there needs to be some degree of immigration reform.

There has been no word from the US Department of Homeland Security as to whether they were making preparation to implement this proposed policy. It is also unclear who might have the authority to transport those migrants being held in detention centers near the border to the sanctuary cities.

“You can’t threaten somebody with something they’re not afraid of.” stated Washington Governor Jay Inslee

He continued noting that the more progressive areas of the country being targeted embrace diversity.

L.A. County Supervisor Hilda Solis stated that “the only way to address immigration in this country is through bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform.” This is easy enough to say as both sides continue to bicker across the aisle.

Some of those officials ousted from their positions at Homeland Security, due to their opposition of proposals like this, have noted that the areas being targeted for immigrant release are those represented by people the president views as his political enemies.

Trump is frustrated by the fact that a minimum of seven federal courts have overruled his administration’s attempts to cut federal funding to cities and states who refuse to cooperate with immigration authorities because they believe the actions to be unlawful. Yet this new idea of sending the immigrants to sanctuary cities is a far cry from last week’s threat to close down the border completely.

Even the Supreme Court has ruled that the federal government cannot coerce cities and states to implement federal policies on immigration. This has only fed into the Presidents displeasure over the failure of his policies to deter the influx of migrants reaching the border.

Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee has invited Senior White House Policy Advisor Stephen Miller to testify on May 1 as to why “it is good policy for the Trump Administration to take the actions it has, including intentionally separating immigrant children from their parents at the border to deter them from coming to the United States, transferring asylum seekers to sanctuary cities as a form of illegal retribution against your political adversaries, and firing top Administration officials who refuse orders to violate the law.”

Miller is apparently the one who has encouraged Trump to close down the southern border, or at least some of the ports of entry.

This while most of Trump’s other advisors warn of the economic consequences these actions would bring. The trade that we have long enjoyed with Mexico and the South American countries has long been profitable for all of us.

It makes one almost wish for the days when all the talk related to immigration policy was limited to the wall and who was going to pay for it.

Trump and the GOP have been working on an immigration status since he took office. Trump has been able to come up with a proposal on the matter that has not been either “politically unviable (the wall), legally untenable (denying the right to seek asylum), economically risky (closing the border), or the cause of public moral outrage (family separation).

In the meantime, those seeking asylum are experiencing another blow as they will have to remain in custody until a hearing can be held where the legitimacy of their claims can be determined, AG Barr has ruled. One must ask if this isn’t getting a little too tough on people who may prove to legitimately qualify for asylum, and who have legally approached our country to do so instead of entering as illegals.

In the meantime, there are still children separated from their families. There are now stories coming in of children deported back to Mexico or points further south who are unaccompanied. These are not humane treatments of illegals who only want to feel safe and have a better life. Those who seek asylum are being treated even worse than those who came over illegally.

This country was built on the premise of being a melting pot. We have always taken care of those who could not take care of themselves. The fact that we have an administration who does not care about others is something new for us as Americans. Even with terrorist activities such as what occurred on 9/11, we need to remember who we are. We need to recognize that we are a country who has always taken care of not only our own but also those individuals who sought safety here.

This administration would be best served to remember just exactly who we are as Americans. Because whether one is Republican or Democrat, we are all still Americans.



La La Land
La La Land

Written by La La Land

Following Los Angeles lifestyle, trends and local news

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